Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Movie Review: Blue Valentine

I love that the Sunrise Mountain Library has many movies available to rent that I have really wanted to see. Such as Blue Valentine, starring Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling as the young couple Dean and Cindy.

The movie starts out with what seems a regular day in their lives, with their little daughter Frankie going to school and Cindy going to work. From the very start of the film, it is obvious that Dean and Cindy's relationship is heading for the worst. Gosling brought to life the child-like quality to his character, but it wasn't cute in this case. He played it like it was meant to be: irritating and obnoxious. William's captured the frustrated-ness of Cindy being the only grown up in her own home, and dealing with the downward spiral of her marriage.

The movie does have some happier moments to it, starting with Cindy in college, and her taking care of her Grandmother. During the film, her Grandmother moves into a retirement home, and Cindy is the one assisting with the move. That same day, Dean is helping an older gentleman move in (he works for a moving company). While he is leaving, Dean sees Cindy from across the hall. It was love at first sight, and he works hard to get a date with her.

My favorite scene from this film is about half way through the film, when Cindy and Dean are on their first date. While Dean is playing the ukulele to the tune ''You Always Hurt the Ones You Love'', Cindy tap dances in front of a heart in a shop mirror. It's fun to see Gosling display his singing skills (even if he is singing stupid!).

Dean truly does love Cindy. He loves her enough to marry her when she is pregnant with someone else's baby. Somewhere along the way though, things went awry, and the movie depicts the night before they decide to get a divorce. The couple drops little Frankie off at her Grandpa's house, and go stay at a nice hotel in an attempt to save the marriage. There are some sweet, tender moments in there, but overall it was hard to watch Dean with Cindy. It made me feel pain for them, and I was actually rooting for Cindy to divorce him.

The ending is very heartbreaking. Dean goes to Cindy's work after he discovers she has left him at the hotel alone, and gets in a fight with her boss. He literally is in a drunken rage, and despite Cindy's efforts, he just keeps going. That was the last straw for Cindy. The final shot of the movie breaks my heart. Dean sees his daughter, and walks away. Frankie then proceeds to chase after him, and Dean tells her to go back to Mommy. Dean is crying, and then Frankie starts crying. Cindy picks up her daughter, and then this happens:

CINDY: Oh sweetheart, it's okay, no, no, don’t cry, it's okay. Who’s my big girl?

FRANKIE:I love him.

CINDY: I know...

Blue Valentine is a great story, of how people's emotions can and do change over time, despite how hard you try to keep the feeling alive. Michelle Williams definitely deserved an Oscar nod for her role, and I'm disappointed that Ryan Gosling didn't get one. I almost didn't recognize him, and I was very impressed with his acting skills in this particular role. It's a great movie, but it isn't for all ages. It is a realistic story, a realistic story full of truth.

Also, here is Ryan Gosling singing. I love it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afuoEuPJBjI&feature=related