Friday, December 9, 2011


There aren't many people in Hollywood that I can't stand.
They have to be a truly annoying. Bad at acting (in my opinion, of course). Gross in general.

The one man in Hollywood that fits this description perfectly for me? Nicholas Cage.
Yes, I realize I spelled that wrong. I don't even care at this point.

Have you seen any of his movies? He is notorious for freaking OUT. It's not even believable, it's laughable. I cannot even describe how funny it is... So go watch this, and tell me it isn't all hilarious:

My aunt and I agree, this isn't just a video of Nicholas Cage freaking out: it's a reel of his career.
I can't take him seriously at all, and every single movie of his I've seen I haven't liked.
The only movie of his I liked a TINY bit, was Season of the Witch, and I only liked that because I predicted his death.
It was my favorite scene.

Normally I have a very open mind about movies/actors. Nicholas Cage is a different story. I can't handle him. AT ALL.

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